Friday, September 05, 2008

Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington

Listen to the democrats this week, and you'll hear moaning about Sarah Palin as the folksy "hockey mom" who just doesn't have the credentials for high office.

I agree, she certainly doesn't have the resume that, say, a Joe Biden may have. But is that so bad? Imagine...a true outsider suddenly thrown into the white house (and just one heartbeat from the Big Seat, no less!). What would that look like?

Perhaps a little like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington?

Remember, this is a government "of the people, by the people, for the people",
not "of the lawyers, by the politicians, for the lobbyists". Regardless of her politics, I think our government would do well to get an infusion of truly fresh new blood, someone who really is just, what, 18 months? from a small town. Yes, I'm liking this.

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